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Team competitions cancelled

Regretfully we have cancelled all YCCGBA team competitions for 2021

(Yorkshire Cup Hutchinson Cup etc)

There are several reasons for this :

  • Teams not wishing to travel into Kirklees area to play at greens in the area

  • Reluctance to play against clubs travelling from the area.

  • Clubs not adhering to current guidance for Track and Trace (QR Codes and collecting contact information) * see below

  • ‘Covid Police’ visiting venues and issuing guidance for non compliance which may result in clubs leagues being closed down.

On balance it was felt it was not in the majorities interest to continue and

therefore all entries will be carried over to 2022.

*(QR codes and Track and Trace)

The link below will allow you to make your own QR code for your venue

It is a requirement that all players and spectators must either scan the QR code

or leave contact details which need to be retained for 21 days as per guidance

issued previously

In the last few days there has been incidents involving the ‘Covid Police’ who

have visited clubs in the Yorkshire region and found several breeches of the

guidelines, with the clear outcome that clubs and leagues will be shut down

if this persists.

For the avoidance of doubt if your venue serves drinks be it alcohol or non

alcoholic and or food then this must be table service and the drinks consumed

at a table. It is not permitted for these drinks to be consumed around the

green. Take-away drinks are permitted and should be in disposable


In one of the instances reported above it was suggested by the ’Covid Police’

that the players own drinks must be consumed at a table, this is not our

understanding and we are seeking further guidance on this.

Other helpful links

Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance on the phased return of elite sport - GOV.UK (

Coronavirus (COVID-19): grassroots sports guidance for the public and sport providers - GOV.UK



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